kokosil Marker/Bluetooth LE ucode Marker

UC Technology provides consulting services for building systems utilizing kokosil Marker/Bluetooth LE (Low Energy).

kokosil Marker triggers the information provision of places and objects using ucode.
The marker is a part of consulting solutions and is not sold separately.

We propose total solutions for information provision employing kokosil Marker (Bluetooth LE ucode Marker).
In this case, “Marker” refers to something that acts as a sign or a mark. It is sometimes called a “beacon” particularly in the case of a radio sign.

Features of kokosil Marker (Bluetooth LE ucode Marker)

kokosil Marker periodically transmits an identification number (ID number) called ucode via Bluetooth LE (BLE) radio waves.
When you approach a marker with your smartphone, the app in the smartphone can retrieve various information to users in readable content such as the location, facilities, and products.
You can access webpages and invoke unique app functions such as stamp rally, coupon delivery, and navigation from your smartphone.

kokosil Marker Versatility

①Navigation for the Area, Facilities, and Tourist Attractions
  • Local area information
    Information on a map of the area you are visiting, evacuation sites, and public facilities such as facilities for people with disabilities, libraries, and public toilets.
  • Commercial facility
    ● Food product description such as a production location, ingredient, and expiry date
    ● Coupon information and floor map of department stores
  • Cultural and Entertainment Facilities
    • kokosilMarker-4
      Smartphones or signages can show exhibit descriptions and floor maps at museums.
    • kokosilMarker-5
      ● Explanation about animals at the zoo
      ● Map of the botanical garden, etc.
②Safety Information
  • Navigation
    Give easy directions to support the elderly, people with disabilities, and expectant mothers
  • Local Police Station and Evacuation Site
    Locations of evacuation shelters in case of disaster or local police stations/Koban in the area where you visit or live
③Tracking Movement Route
  • kokosilMarker-8
Parents and teachers can check children’s attendance records and travel routes for schools, preparatory schools and other learning facilities.
In-facility movements and current positioning of nursing facility residents and children in special-needs schools can be monitored.

We apply kokosil Marker in kokosil, our sightseeing guide app.

Various Types of kokosil Marker

There are USB dongle type, dry battery type, outdoor installation type, etc. to accommodate the usage requirement. We also customize the design to your needs.

  • Pendant model Pendant model
  • USB dongle model USB dongle model
  • External power model External power model
  • Battery model Battery model
  • Outdoor model Outdoor model
  • Solar power model Solar power model
  • Dry battery model (black) Dry battery model (black)
  • Dry battery model (white) Dry battery model (white)

kokosil marker conforms to the specification of Bluetooth LE ucode Marker (in Japanese) published by TRON Forum / Ubiquitous ID Center.

kokosil Marker/Bluetooth LE ucode Marker Catalog


Please contact us for further information.

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