What is µT-Kernel ?

µT-Kernel is a real-time OS (RTOS) for small-scale embedded systems standardized by TRON Forum. Its target is systems using the traditional µITRON specification OS series and realizes high performance even in resource-poor environments such as single-chip microcomputers. µT-Kernel strikes a balance between a rich set of APIs compatible with T-Kernel, developed from the µITRON series (see diagram below), and the small ROM/RAM footprint.

The specification of µT-Kernel 1.0 was defined in 2006 as the latest RTOS for the IoT and M2M nodes, i.e., the architectural elements to realize Highly Functionally Distributed System (HFDS). The realization of HFDS has been the goal of TRON Project launched in 1984. The specification of µT-Kernel 2.0 has a wider scope than that of µT-Kernel 1.0, and  has been published to the world on the TRON Forum website since December 2013. UC Technology provides µT-Kernel 2.0 development kits.

Evolution of Real-Time OS (RTOS)